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Muslim Antichrist Is The Expected Messiah

By Marci Glover

Islam has remained the fastest spreading religion worldwide. Over the recent past there has been an intensified argument that the expected Antichrist will originate from Muslim community. Muslim Antichrist has resulted to a worldwide suspicion and debates among the Islamic community and other religions. The religion has the second largest followers in the world.

Several authors among them Joel Richardson suggest that the expected world messiah will arise from an Islamic culture. However others have strongly maintained the view that the Antichrist will be of western origin as the bible depicts. Therefore the debate has degenerated into confusion on whether the Antichrist will come from the west or Muslim community.

Efforts to understand the various arguments have triggered people to study the happenings in the Mideast in relation to what those of the scripture. There has been overthrowing of various governments in a number of Muslim countries bringing to an end authoritarian regime of presidents. Longtime president of Tunis Ben Ali was toppled from power. In Libya, Colonel who had been in power for over thirty years was shot dead. Egypt witnessed the fall of Mubarak and so has Syria.

The revolts in these particular nations were led by the Muslim Brotherhood movement. The goal of this group is to introduce an international caliphate. This means the establishment of a centralized Islamic rule. They believe that once they attain this feet it will bring them wealth and great power. It will help them actualize their dream of having an Islam Caliphate that will spread across the world. The quick spread of the religion past boarders is already evident.

It is clear that once the movement destroys Israel and United States it will have stepped closer to the great revolution that will seem the entire world turn to Islam under the leadership of their messiah (Mahdi). This is the sole aim of the movement.

A faction of the Muslim community holds the view the messiah will be a product of elections by people representing various nations that generally profess Islam. Another faction believes that the leader will be a supernatural being who comes from the lineage of Allah. They believe he will come from a secret place he has been residing for many years.

The arguments have made many people especially in the West believe that indeed the Antichrist will emerge from the Islamic community. Christians all over the world are getting convinced that there is a supernatural being among the Islam who will soon arise as the Antichrist. The bible records that the figure will deceive the Jewish he is the Messiah who Christians are hoping for.

People have argued that Islam is inevitably grown strong at a high rate and unified more. Muslim leadership has interpreted it as a sign of realization of their ultimate goal. Its infiltration of Europe, the United States and other parts of the world has set forth the belief that Islam will be victorious in the globe and that their messiah (Mahdi) is the much proclaimed Antichrist.

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